Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stack it, pack it, clean it......


We started the morning early, all huddled together in the computer room where the heat was already fired up. Our agenda: discuss the final list of to-do's before the exhibition. Mostly we need to prepare the spaces to show people's work - which involves a lot of white paint, stacking chairs, saw horses and tables into storage and cleaning personal studios.


Once again the students of Metafora came together in a joined-effort to make things happen! The morning was full of activity in all areas of the school and walls are beginning to look ready for displaying our hard work.


After the initial push to prepare the spaces people started to melt into their personal studios to finish works - and then there were a few of us who were still plugging away on our computers to finish our end-of-term books, blogs and photo's.
This photo was taken 5 hours ago and, I swear to you, the people sitting down at the tables are still here now: Rosie, Zoe, Ron and Robyn.


We have a goal: to have the "show" up and ready by the end of tomorrow - at least as far as having everything measured and ready. Unfinished works will still be being completed through Friday......ah, the life of artists.


We're filling the space......

Woo hooooo.....engines are burning full steam.

Walking around the halls of Metafora you can't help but notice the sound of busy-busy people buzzing around. It's the hummmmm of production - and we're making quite a sweet batch of artistic nectar!

Stella's folds

It's the holiday season, it's cold and wet outside, the school year is ending for some and there is a lot to do.....but head's are held high (or low bent over masterful work!) and spirits remain active, playful and happy.

Nadia Zoe

There is a contagious feeling of creativity mixed with frustration and together they produce a cohesive harmony amongst artist and canvas as well as amongst the culturally diverse student body. If ever you need to remember what it feels like to be hopeful and inspired by the possibilities in life - come to Metafora and witness the beauty that we have all made here.

Pawel Linda

Two day's to the exhibition - more news to come soon - stay tuned!!!